Flashing Exterior Light Fixtures

By Robert Robillard

Improper Flashing Can Cause Structural Damage In the picture above all appears normal…. right? We thought so too and were going to replace a few clapboards that had unpleasant looking clapboard butt joints that were too close to the front door and aesthetically unpleasing to the owner.  Flashing exterior light fixtures is often overlooked. The…

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Moisture Intrusion Into The Building Envelope

By Robert Robillard

Moisture Intrusion Into The Building Envelope = Big Problem! Today’s guest post is from my friend Mark Parlee. Mark is a builder and building consultant who deals with moisture intrusion and construction defects reporting in the greater Des Moines, Iowa area. My first introduction to Mark was when I read his excellent article written for…

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Building Green

By Robert Robillard

Building Green According To The Green Report Building green does not just mean building eco-friendly, it also means building smart. The Green Report educates the smart builder and interested consumer by detailing the basic principles of green building, numerous strategies designed to lower on-site costs and how to gain credibility and fast-track your project with…

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Home Design

By Robert Robillard

Where do you get your home design ideas?   This Home Design guest post was written by my friend and architect Dan Broggi. Dan is the Director of Design at   db2ARCHitecture based out of Wakefield, Massachusetts.   While Rob recuperates from his surgery, he asked if I could write a blog post from an…

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Replacing Front Door Trim

By Robert Robillard

Replacing Front Door Trim n the photo above the entry trim is just flat casing built out to create a column look. a crown tops it off. This trim and the siding around it were rotted and in need of replacing. The customer chose a different detail and asked us to install the dentil head…

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Cold Basement Cause

By Robert Robillard

Cold Basement Cause Due To Furnace Make Up Air   On A Recent Post GreenMountainMan Asked… “Great website Concord Carpenter! As I awoke this morning to see the frost on my car’s windshield, it gave me a chilly reminder that I need to do a little insulating in my basement.  My basement is partially unfinished…

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Concord Carpenter LLC

By Robert Robillard

Concord Carpenter Concord MA Below are some of the carpentry, remodeling and contracting services that we offer Interior: 1. Basement remodels 2. Bathroom and kitchen remodels 3. Door and window installation and trim 4. Crown molding, wainscoting, chair rails, baseboard 5. Built ins, book cases, mantles 6. All aspects of interior remodeling and General Contracting…

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Reducing Remodeling Anxiety

By Robert Robillard

Reduce Anxiety = Increased Professionalism! One of the most commonly overlooked causes of “Client Remodeling Anxiety” is the fact that as re-modelers, we are constantly invading and disrupting our clients’ lives. Workers strolling in and out of the house day after day can cramp a clients lifestyle, even if they’ve been pre-warned. Dust, muddy boot…

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